
This is, by and large, a gratitude journal.

Today, in my first entry, I am grateful for Holly, who was my friend for a handful of years before our lives dragged us in separate directions. Life is like that sometimes, and some friendships have their season and no more. In the time I had with Holly there were movies, trips to Abbotsford, potluck dinners and an epic gingerbread man experiment. She liked TV soaps, and dogs and getting the kids in my class riled up and leaving me to deal with the aftermath. She introduced me to Harry Potter. She was funny, quirky, a little neurotic and very kind hearted, and she was the just the friend I needed in that time and place.

Holly passed away a couple of weeks ago. She was exactly 20 days younger than I am. I hope there are lots of dogs and llamas wherever she ended up.



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